Turn on the light
Dear friends
How are you keeping? Safe and well, I hope. August has been a month of gloom, not only in terms of the UK weather, but also on the international stage. It would seem hard won freedoms, so precious to our society, are not so highly prized in others. This should come as no surprise; other people and cultures are different after all. There is a scene in “The Killing Fields” which could have been shot last week – I’ll leave you to re-visit this classic multi-Oscar winning movie and tell me which one it was. What can we do, in the face of all this, as summer fades, and the new term begins ? We can turn on the light, by turning to Jesus, the light of the world.
We are returning to church, in person, as our services at Checkendon recommence this Sunday at the main morning time of 11am. We are also returning to zoom, at a new time (6.30pm on Sundays for half an hour) to reforge our online fellowship and continue learning together, at home.
Come to church, in person, and online: Services for Sunday 5th September.
9.30am Family Service at St John’s Stoke Row, led by Revd Angela Linton.
11am Morning Prayer at Checkendon, led by Revd Kevin Davies. A traditional service to pray, and give thanks. Sing hymns. Stay for coffee. Give thanks again.
6.30pm. Together at Home. A short, informal evening service (via zoom) with Revd Kevin. 636 645 195 and passcode 000162. Everyone welcome, wherever you are.
It is absolutely OK to pass these details onto friends and family, who are very welcome to join us. Other service options can be found on the Langtree Team Ministry Churches website.
You can support Checkendon church and Stoke Row churches via dedicated and secure online card donation pages. Just click on the link. If you’ve not tried this way to make a donation, please give it a go. It is very secure.
The small print
Or, what to do in church. All legal restrictions are now lifted for church services, so we can sing, and have refreshments again as part of our worship. Masks are no longer required, but if you are more comfortable wearing yours, please continue to do so. We’ll all understand that wearing a mask means that you’d like everyone to stay at a distance if possible too. Social distancing is now also no longer a requirement, but we are going to suggest that we avoid touching other people if at all possible. Holy Communion will be celebrated with just the bread for the time being. We will continue to keep the doors open throughout, keep some pews closed and have hand sanitizer on station too. Let’s enjoy coming to church again, and make everyone welcome. Like everything else we’ve been through, it is a journey, a process, and a learning experience, and doubtless things will be tweaked again in the weeks or months ahead.
Your Rector, Revd Kevin Davies.
Jesus said “I am the light of the world. He who follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” John 8:12