Thankfulness and Hope
Dear friends,
If there were medals for faithfulness and the ability to draw out love in every situation, the most we could hope for is silver. The gold would invariably belong to our animal companions, be they feline or canine. Let us give thanks to the Creator of all things, who uses the smallest creatures of the world to teach us about humility, trust, and vulnerable love.
Sunday Worship in August
First four Sundays:
9am Short Morning Prayer in Checkendon Church
9.30am Short Morning Prayer in St John’s Stoke Row.
10am Zoom Service hosted by St Leonards Woodcote. Meeting number 227 415 0550, no passcode required. All welcome!
Fifth Sunday 29th August:
Open Air Team service at St Leonard’s Church, Woodcote at 10.30am; there will be no services offered elsewhere on that day.
Adieu, and adieu
This is my final note to you before my summer break. Thank you all so much for your kindness, care and encouragement, throughout this torrid time. We have learnt a lot, and I pray that God’s spirit will continue to touch and bless us as we try to work out afresh what it means to be His People in this ever changing world. I will see you all in September, God willing, when live worship will return to 11am at Checkendon on Sept 5th.
The Lord bless you, and keep you.
Your Rector, Revd Kevin