Seven Churches in South Oxfordshire

From the Rector: Tuesday 28th April 2020

Daily Hope: 0800 804 8044

Dear friends,

Greetings. A lot of you have commented that you are enjoying our online worship adventures across the Team. Thank you so much for your support and enthusiasm ! However you are probably aware of individuals in your communities who are not able to access the internet, and for whom the difficulties of isolation are very acute. I’d like to highlight a new free phone line called Daily Hope recently launched by the Church of England which offers hymns, prayers and reflections, as well as full services. This new free service – which is available 24 hours a day on 0800 804 8044 – has been set up particularly with those unable to join online church services during the period of restrictions in mind. Please could I ask you to publicise this amongst any friends or neighbours whom you know don’t have access to the web.

Sunday Services for 3rd May

This coming Sunday our (Zoom) options across the Team are:

10am Service of the Word led by Revd John     Meeting ID: 188 513 761     Passcode  019797
10am Worshipping Together led by Revd Linda    Meeting ID: 846 4197 2558   Passcode  014848
11am  Morning Prayer led by Revd Kevin       Meeting ID: 636 645 195        Passcode 000162     Hymns, readings, prayers and a short talk.

It is absolutely OK to invite friends and family to join us. Both services will be child-friendly. Its a great way to stay in touch.  Many congratulations to Ipsden singers, who, thanks to Andrew Darke, have successfully recorded (in isolation!) a version of the Appleford Gloria for use in our services. Gareth Malone eat your heart out!  Next weekend (8-10 May) was to have been a major national celebration of the 75th anniversary of VE day, and the end of the war in Europe. We’ll be remembering the victory in our online services on May 10th.   

The Faithfulness of the Earth

Clematis – thank you Vanessa.

As I write this note, the welcome rain brings a message of love and life to our fields and gardens. Many of you have said to me how comforting you have found the constancy of nature, with spring flowers, bluebells and trees coming into leaf just at their usual time, “unphased” by the traumas and hurts pulsating through humankind. The faithfulness of the earth is a reflection of the faithfulness of the Lord who made it, and whose love still upholds us all, even when we do our best to despoil and deprave.  Thank you to those of you who have been sending me pictures of your “breakout activities”. Please keep these coming! I hope to put together a montage to use in one of our services in a few weeks time. May God’s deep peace find a place in your heart this week.

Your Rector                 Revd Kevin



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