Seven Churches in South Oxfordshire

From the Rector: Tuesday 21st April 2020

Easter lockdown

Dear friends,

Last Sunday we learnt that we were not the only ones shut in at Easter. The first disciples themselves at the first Easter locked themselves away out of fear of persecution. But even there, imprisoned with their fears, Jesus came and met them.

Thank you for all you are doing to keep one another safe – whether that be caring for your children who are not at school, or ringing a neighbour regularly to check that he or she is OK. A number of you are essential workers, and some work for the Health Service. Our prayers and gratitude are with you.

Worship this Sunday, 26th April.

Our Zoom services are a great way to stay in touch; we can say hello across many miles; families can be together in spirit, and we can add our prayers to the great wave of petitions that are rising up from our nation.

Do join us with your laptop or tablet; Sunday 26th at

10am Service of the Word led by Revd John     Meeting ID: 188 513 761     Passcode  019797
10am Open Door Online ! led by Revd Linda     Meeting ID: 894 4869 4413     Passcode: 025188       A service that is designed to be accessible to long-standing church members of all ages and those wanting to find out more about the Christian faith.
11am  “Just the right length” Communion Service led by Revd Kevin       Meeting ID: 636 645 195        Passcode 000162.                          “Emmaus Road Art.”  Bright clothes still welcome  – it is still Easter!

You can also share in worship led by our Diocesan team, or the National Church Team. and  The services on these websites are pre-recorded and can be watched at any time.

Zoom Tips

  • Try the “view options” command at the top of your screen. Check “side by side”. You’ll see the shared screen (service order etc) on the left, and the speaker on the right. You can adjust the proportion of screen split by dragging the divider.
  • Try alternating between “speaker” and “gallery” mode. These icons are at the top right of your screen. This toggles your view of the speaker, or everybody.
  • Try “muting” yourself. Click on the microphone icon at the bottom left. Or just hit the spacebar. Do it again to unmute.
  • Don’t sit with a window behind you – people will only see your silhouette if you do! Try to have the window in front of you if possible.
  • NB These tips are for Windows users; Apple or Android users will probably have slight variations. But you should be able to achieve the same result…..

Pictures from your break out

Bluebells in the beech woods at Checkendon 2020

Lastly, unlike the disciples, we probably won’t be arrested for going for our daily walk. The spring flowers are wonderful this year. Please do share with me any photos of your break outs, and if I get enough I will compile a slide show for a Sunday service in a few weeks. We can encourage one another in so many ways as we walk together in the Spirit through these times. Summer will come.

Your Rector, Revd Kevin.


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