Seven Churches in South Oxfordshire

From the Rector: Tuesday 20th October

Home working is hard

….with a demanding “special advisor”.

Dear friends,

Thank you for your ongoing support for your local church as together we attempt to navigate these strange uncharted waters. Everything remains rather constrained; the shape of “work” has changed for almost everybody, even for those of us who worked from home “in the olden days”. However our pets, at least, remain thankful for the increased contact with their masters (in the case of dogs) or their servants (in the case of cats). We are all learning to be patient, and accomodating. Our pets do manage to remind us every day of the important things; food, warmth, company, and exercise. Praise be to God for these little ones.

Worship for Sunday 25th October

Our main worship options on a Sunday remain via Zoom. This Sunday’s online worship options are hosted by Revds Linda and Kevin. You will need the zoom app installed on your device (laptop, tablet, phone or PC) – download from  Just before the appointed time, run the app, click on “join meeting” and enter the meeting number and passcode below for the service you wish to attend.

Morning Praise  with Revd Linda 10am  820 6181 5879 and 447003     A short service to greet the new day. (St Leonard’s Church annual meeting follows)

Holy Communion with Revd Kevin  11am       636 645 195  and 000162.     Enjoy some classic hymns, and an anthem in this service with a choral music focus.

Family and friends are welcome to join us. It is a great way to stay in touch.  Do check out the worship pages on the Team Ministry website for full details.  Your live options this Sunday are simple said services of Holy Communion at Woodcote at 8.30am or Morning Prayer at Checkendon at 9am. There is no live midweek worship at Ipsden or North Stoke this coming week as Revd John is on leave. Should the Government or National Church make any pronouncements that affect us – check the Team website first of all:

To help keep your church’s bills paid, please support Woodcote or Checkendon or Ipsden  or North Stoke churches via their dedicated and secure card donation pages. Just click on the church you wish to help. Please also Gift Aid your donation if you pay any income tax. Thank you !

Watch out !

There’ll not be one of these emails from me next week as it is half term and I’ll be on leave. (Pray please for all our local schools; pupils, teachers and governors. Its tough there, too.)

Your zoom worship options for Sunday 1st Nov will be with Revd John at 9.30am (188 513 761 and 019797) Revd Linda at 10am (numbers will be advised locally) and Revd James will be hosting the 11am service  (867 2941 1368 and 407211).

I’ll be back for a Remembrance Sunday service on zoom at 10.55am on 8th November – numbers as per my service above, as usual.

Our pets, for all the demands they make of us, are God’s way of reminding us that everything and everyone needs a little love, every day. And, somehow, even in these dark days, we manage to find some love to give, don’t we? Notice this the next time, and thank God for the little miracle he has wrought in your heart.

Peace be with you all

Revd Kevin Davies


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