Seven Churches in South Oxfordshire

From the Rector: Sunday 27th May 2018

Dear Friends,

May the joy of the Holy Spirit of God be with you. A very warm welcome to our worship this morning from all of us on the Langtree Team Ministry staff. If you are with us for the first time, or visiting family and friends, please do make yourself known to your worship leader after the service. We are pleased you chose to join us.

Don’t forget that the Team Ministry has a website, a facebook page and a twitter feed. You can find all the relevent links on the back of this noticesheet. Our website has had many thousands of “visits” from all over the world since its launch a few years ago, and there is a steady trickle of contact and enquiries that come through to the leadership team from it. So it is an important communication tool in our ministry profile.

Church Council members (both newly elected, and long serving) are all encouraged to brush up with their safeguarding awareness by using the online training module that has been provided by the central Church of England. To access this (free) training, go to Select online courses and “C0” (thats a nought). You’ll be asked to register, and select your Diocese. You should also select “not part of a training institution”, enter your parish name, and church role “PCC member”. The session will take about an hour to complete.

The Langtree team Churches will be holding a CONFIRMATION SERVICE later this year, on 30th September. We will be running preparation classes for both adults and teenagers, and so if you wish to join one such, please do get in touch with your local minister as soon as possible. The only precondition for confirmation is that you must already be baptised, but this can often be arranged in the months leading up to the confirmation if required.

Your servant in Christ’s name                                                           Canon Kevin Davies


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