Dear friends,
A very warm welcome to this service, wherever you are worshipping around the Langtree Team Ministry area. A special welcome to anyone who is with us for the first time, or visiting. May God’s peace and joy be with us all.
June is a very full month, with lots of happy celebrations in and around our churches. We rejoice at the baptism of Ivy Kew next Sunday at Checkendon, we pray for the marriages being conducted in our churches all throughout the month and we look forward to the many special events that there are.
In particular I’d like to draw your attention to the Open Church afternoon at St John’s Whitchurch Hill next Sunday between 2 and 5.30. There are to be history and wildlife trails around the church and churchyard, with children’s activities and refreshments. This is a wonderful opportunity to discover one of the lesser known gems of the Langtree Team Ministry, and I commend it warmly to you.
Also in June the Reading Phoenix Choir are making an eagerly anticipated visit to St Peter and St Paul Checkendon, on Friday 29th, at 7.30pm. This promises to be a wonderful concert in an acoustically excellent setting. Tickets, including canapes and refreshments, are on sale here:
Finally, as the service begins, please pray for those round about you. We are together by the mercy and grace of God, and we share His love with one another.
Your Rector Kevin Davies