Dear friends,
A very warm welcome to this service from all of us across the Langtree Team churches. It is the time of the year when we say thank you to churchwardens, treasurers, secretaries and church council members, as some stand down, others stand for re-election, and still others are elected to their church council for the first time. Your church is only able to continue, and to grow, through the dedication of the volunteers on your church council who work in partnership with the clergy team to ensure that your church can continue to offer regular Sunday worship and all the other activities that go on around the Team ministry area.
Next Sunday (29th April) we are holding a Team Service, at 10.30am, at Checkendon. This will be a celebration of Holy Communion, and the preacher will be the Team Rector. Do come! There will be no other main Sunday morning services around the Team Churches on that day. It is a great opportunity to come and share some of the joy of Easter with our sister churches across the Team.
Lastly, a reminder to all of you that I am going to be giving an illustrated talk about my experiences in Ethiopia at the Old Stables, Whitchurch on Thames on Tuesday 8th May at 2pm. Everyone from across the Team ministry is very welcome, and Team Council members should note that this replaces our scheduled meeting. I envisage the presentation will last about an hour.
Your Rector Revd Canon Kevin Davies