Seven Churches in South Oxfordshire

From the Rector: Sunday 1st March 2020


Dear friends,

A very warm welcome to our services this morning, on this St David’s Day. On which account, a special blessing to everyone with a Welsh connection. St David was a renowned evangelist-preacher, bishop, and community builder. We’ll be discovering more about him at our service at Whitchurch on Thames today.

Choral Evensong with Bishop Colin

While on the subject of Bishops, our very own Bishop Colin will be visiting St Mary’s Ipsden next Sunday (8th March) for a special service of choral evensong at 6.30pm. Bishop Colin will be blessing the completed reordering works at the west end of the church, and declaring the converted vestry open. Many congratulations are due to Ipsden PCC and all those who have supported this imaginative project whereby a new organ loft stair has been installed, much rewiring has been done, and the welcome and hospitality of the church building greatly improved by the bringing of water into the church and the installation of a disabled friendly toilet. Everyone from the Team Area is very welcome to attend this celebratory service, which will be led by Bishop Colin with assistance from the Revd John Blair.


Finally, as Lent gets under way, let us each use these forty days to recommit our lives to Christ, walking day by day on the path of faith. We do not know what the future holds, but we know who it is who holds the future. May the Lord bless us and keep us.

Your Rector Revd Canon Kevin Davies


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