Dear friends,
The gritty reality of an Easter with a war in Europe is not something anyone anticipated this time last year. We looked forward to the taming of Covid, and the return of social fellowship in all areas of life; education, emplyment, healthcare, Church, leisure. Society has returned, but every area is struggling to be “normal” with possibly staffing, or supply chain, or transport, or economic threats. The longer the war in Ukraine continues, the greater the economic upheaval and the likelihood of an impact that will linger far longer than the legacy of Covid. Seismic changes in European politics are already underway, and the “writing out” of Russia from the energy equation promises to change our lives in the most radical way since the industrial revolution.
The Lent Journey: 8.30-8.40pm online every day on zoom: 842 3891 2144 and 123165. Ends Wednesday!
“Forty Words” is our ten minute daily online reflection for Lent 2022, hosted by Revd Kevin and Revd John. Thank you to everyone who has supported our short evening meetings for the forty days of Lent. Join us for a final two words of Jesus.
Easter Services.
Maundy Thursday 14th April: Communion of the Last Supper at Checkendon at 7.30pm, with Revd Kevin. Everyone welcome from across the Team area.
Good Friday 15th April: An informal and interactive service for all ages at Checkendon School at 10.30am. Songs, craft, video, colouring and hot cross buns! Everyone welcome!
Easter Sunday 17th April: 9.30am Holy Communion at Stoke Row, with Revd Angela, 11am Easter Celebration at Checkendon with Revd Kevin. Come celebrate the resurrection.
Note that at Checkendon’s Easter service we will be offering wine at communion as well as the bread. There’ll be instructions given as to how we are going to do this. Easter is a most fitting day on which to return to the “full” communion offer, for the first time in over two years. There are things to celebrate; light does defeat the darkness.
You can support Checkendon church and Stoke Row churches via our online card donation pages. Just click on the link. It is very secure. There is a new option to set your donation to be monthly rather than one off. There is also an option to Gift Aid your donation. Please do this if you can as your church can then reclaim the income tax you have paid on your donation.
In the distance
Sunday April 24th.
9.30am Holy Communion at Stoke Row, 11am Short Service and Annual Church Meeting at Checkendon.Your church council reports, and elections are held.
6.30pm Online service of Night Prayer, via zoom: 636 645 1995 and 000162
Thank you all for your support for your churches, and your ministers, throughout these ever changing times. The next one of these notes from me will be in two weeks time. Jazz lovers among you might like to know that there is to be a Jazz Party hosted by Checkendon School, on May 14th. “Let the reader understand”. Tickets available from
There is hope, as evidenced by the photo shared in the Times a few days ago of the municipal gardeners of Kyiv planting bedding and flowers in the parks and borders of the city, reminding all of us life will find a way, and that they were not going to let violence and darkness destroy their world for a moment. So when you see your Easter flowers, whether away, or at home, or in Church, remember these gardeners, and ask yourself what better way for the risen Christ to reveal himself, whether now, or for the very first time. (cf Luke 20:15-16). May the Lord bless you!
Revd Kevin