Dear friends,
A very warm welcome to our worship today. A special welcome if you are a guest or a visitor to one of our Harvest Festival services. Let’s rejoice and give thanks to God for his goodness and mercy in so many ways, particularly thinking of our food and the landscape that we share and steward on behalf of the whole Creation.
At Checkendon this morning we are going to share our Harvest collection between Water Aid, and the Ways and Means Trust, our local mental health charity. Our friends from Ways and Means are making a welcome return with their wonderful produce stall, so please do browse the goodies over coffee after our worship.
At Stoke Row this afternoon we will continue in the Harvest spirit of joy with our annual auction of produce, for the benefit of both church and school. Both Checkendon and Stoke Row schools will be holding their Harvest celebrations this coming Wednesday in their respective churches: Stoke Row at 9am, and Checkendon at 2.45pm. Do join us if you are able.
Further ahead, please make a note in your diaries for Remembrance Sunday – 11th November – as churches across the Team are planning special services to mark the centenary of the end of the first world war. This will be an even more poignant event than usual, and very significant for all sections of our village communities, so your support will be greatly appreciated.
Your Rector Kevin Davies