Seven Churches in South Oxfordshire

From the Rector: Sunday 8th July 2018

Dear friends,

Welcome to our services this morning across the Langtree Team Ministry area. A special welcome to those who are visiting with friends or family, or who are with us for the first time. Do make yourselves known to the minister or lay leader.

As the school term continues in this quite relentless heat, do spare a thought for teachers and all school staff, parents and children, as they prepare some children for changing schools and others for moving up a class or year group.

If you are fortunate to be able to consider having some time away during the summer months, don’t forget to visit a church (or two) while you are away, ideally for a service. It is invariably refreshing and/or challenging to experience worship as others share it, and can often be the source of insights and ideas for ways that your own PCC could improve on what is offered “back home”.

The Reading Phoenix Choir performed a wonderful concert at Checkendon last Friday, with wine and canapes served on the village green in the interval. Do have a look at the picture on the Team Facebook page. The musical opportunities continue across the Team next week, with the Music in the Barn spectacular at Ipsden. See the advert elsewhere on this sheet for details and get your tickets soon for this very popular event.

Reading Phoenix Choir perform at Checkendon Church on 29th June 2018

Whether you are one who hides from the sun, or who relishes the warmth, may God our Father enfold you in his love, and Christ the Saviour keep you in his care.

Your Rector Revd Canon Kevin Davies


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