Seven Churches in South Oxfordshire

From the Rector: Sunday 7th May 2017

Dear friends,

A very warm welcome to this service, wherever you are worshipping in the Langtree Team Ministry Area this morning. May the love and peace of Jesus Christ be with you all.

Members of the Langtree Team ministry Council are reminded that we are meeting this coming Tuesday (9th May) at the Vicarage, Crabtree Corner, Ipsden, at 8pm, by kind invitation of Revd Alan and Mrs Margaret Gates.

The Team Council is the body responsible for resourcing all our ministry, both in terms of recruitment, and also in sharing the costs of the ministry we enjoy. It is also an important mechanism whereby our churches can share good practice, and encourage one another. Your PCC pays into the Team Council budget pro rata according to its overall parish share. In our meeting on Tuesday we are going be discussing the important matters of child protection, and lay ministry. Please do ensure that your church is represented.

Finally, do take a few moments before the service to thank God for those around you, and make a point after the service of introducing yourself to someone whom you have not met before.

“Praise God from whom all blessings flow / Praise Him all creatures here below / Praise Him above ye heavenly host / Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost “

Your servant for Christ’s sake                Revd Canon Kevin Davies


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