Dear friends,
A very warm welcome to this service, and a particular welcome to those of you who are visiting, or with us for the first time. May God’s peace and joy be with us all.
The Henley Deanery Synod meets this week in Checkendon Village Hall on Wednesday 7th at 7.30pm. Fiona Craig, the Diocesan Deputy Director of Education will be speaking about the church’s engagement with our local schools. Do make sure that your PCC is represented, even if you do not have a church school in your parish.
It is a good opportunity to pray for your local school: headteachers, staff, parents, governors and pupils. Church schools in particular are always on the lookout for volunteers to take on the role of school governor. If you’d like to find out more about this particular ministry, do speak in the first instance to you local clergyperson, or get in touch with me directly.
Easter is very early this year, and so Lent begins in a couple of week’s time. Details of the Lent Groups that are happening around the Team will be available from next week. Our Team Service for Ash Wednesday this year will be held at St John’s Stoke Row, on Wed 14th Feb at 7.30pm. Everyone from our Team Churches is welcome to share in this service of Ashing.
Your Rector Canon Kevin Davies