Seven Churches in South Oxfordshire

From the Rector: Sunday 22nd October 2017

Dear friends,

A very warm welcome to this service, wherever you are worshipping in the Langtree Team ministry area this morning.

School Half Term

It is the first weekend of the schools’ half term, and so a good opportunity to give thanks to God for their work. The teaching staff, governors, volunteers, and parents all contribute to supporting and building these vital elements in our local community. We have a long standing relationship with many of our schools – some statutory, some informal. There are often opportunities for Christians to help, through prayer, through voluntary involvement and also through governance. School governors take an active role in the strategic leadership of the school. They support the headteacher in their leadership role, providing accountability and critical friendship to the school at all levels. If this is something that you would like to consider, please in the first instance have a word with your local minister. School governors can in some instances be nominated by the local church, or by the Diocese of Oxford.

Team Service next Sunday 29th October at  North Stoke

Don’t forget that next Sunday (29th October) is our opportunity to come together as a Team for a shared service and time of fellowship. We are meeting at St Mary’s North Stoke, where our service will be led by the Revd Alan Gates, at 10.30am. So please do make the most of this chance to meet together, and pray for our world, break bread together, and celebrate God’s goodness to us all.

With every blessing from all of us in the Team Ministry staff.

Your Rector                   Canon Kevin Davies.


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