Dear friends,
A very warm welcome to this service, wherever you are worshipping around the Langtree Team ministry area. A special welcome to those of you who are with us for the first time. May you know God’s peace and joy in your hearts and lives.
A particular welcome to the family and friends of Barnaby Irving, who is being baptised at Checkendon this morning. Please pray for Barnaby as he is welcomed into the worldwide family of the Christian Church.
As September draws onwards into autumn we move into the season of Harvest Festival services. These will be advertised here and on the Team ministry website, and are a wonderful opportunity to bring family and friends along to your church and share in the goodness of God. The first Harvest festival service in the Team area is at St Leonard’s Woodcote, next Sunday (24th) at 9.45am.
Finally please remember in your prayers all those who are caring for elderly relatives, whether they at home, in hospital, or in care in some way. Is there an elderly person in your street whom you could befriend, and keep an eye on now the weather turns wetter and colder?
Yours in Christ’s Service Revd Canon Kevin Davies