Come to the feast
Dear friends,
There is a huge table of worship for you to enjoy in the coming days; prayerful, colourful, crafty, interactive, tasty, musical, thoughtful, sacramental, liturgical, multi-sensory, dynamic, simple. So, I invite you all, come, and celebrate the great feast of Easter at your local church. Everyone is welcome.
Holy Week
Mon 3rd, Tues 4th, Wed 5th April, at 7pm each day. Compline at St John’s Stoke Row with Revd Romey Poston. A quiet and reflective short service to hold the day before God in prayer.
Maundy Thursday, 6th April. Team Service at St Mary’s Ipsden at 7.30pm. An Agape meal…or what the early church did to remember Jesus. Please email Revd John Blair at to reserve your place at the table.
Good Friday 7th April, 10.30am. All age Service in Checkendon School Hall. Come to explore the Easter message in an informal and friendly activity based service….with hot cross buns too.
Easter Day, 9th April
9.30am Holy Communion at St John’s Stoke Row with the Revd Romey Poston
11am. Easter Celebration (with communion) at St Peter and St Paul, Checkendon, with Revd Kevin Davies…and an egg hunt.
Sunday 16th April
9.30am Informal Worship at St John’s Stoke Row with Mr Brian Turner
11.00am Family Baptism service at St Peter and St Paul, Checkendon, with Revd Kevin Davies.
Thank you for reading this far; there won’t be one of these next week, as I’ll be on leave. Thank you for all your support for your church throughout the year. It really does matter; having a church in every community is important, because of the way it reminds everyone that God cares and that his love is stronger than death. The good news of the resurrection of Jesus is a simple truth; death and suffering do not have the last word, and that God makes all things new in Him. Here’s a wonderful video to enjoy, from the children of Christ Church, Tunbridge Wells. Let us celebrate what God has done. Have a truly blessed Easter.
Your Rector, Canon Kevin.