Waiting to be lit
Dear friends,
It is the opening week of Advent. The first candle of the Advent ring was kindled on Sunday, and we prayed for the light of the world to come into our darkness. The expectation is heavy, and there is much to be done to be ready. Like our hearts, most of the Advent ring remains unlit, waiting for the light. Patience! Patience! The world rumbles on its weary road, and we strain to hear hints of angel song.
Many people are working very hard all around the Team ministry to prepare for the Christmas Services in our churches. You can find a full listing here. If you are hosting visitors over the festive season, please do bring them along. There is a wonderful chance to get into the spirit of the season with coffee and mince pies at Checkendon Village hall this coming Saturday (7th) between 10am and 12 noon. Again, you are welcome to bring a friend. The mince pies and coffee are on us.
Worship Services for Sunday 8th September
9.30am Morning Prayer at St John’s Stoke Row with Revd Romey Poston
11am Holy Communion at St Peter and Paul, Checkendon with Revd Romey Poston
A song to bless you
Here is a tremendous new rendition of Psalm 1, by the Jewish group Miqedem. If you click on the grey box below the video and scroll to the bottom of this, you can click again on “Transcript” to follow the song in Hebrew (the language of the Old Testament) and in English. This Psalm sets the scene for the entirety of the book of Psalms by presenting us with the call to life anchored in God’s word despite all the wickedness and worry of the world. Take four minutes to find yourself once again in a world which God loves. The news from Holy Land is not always bad but, as at the birth of Christ, that which is good can be easily overlooked.
“Lord, you have my heart. Kindle the fire of your love in me, and, where I am not yet aflame, draw me closer to all that is good, and right, and true, so that, in your good time, I may shine for your glory. Amen.”
Your Rector, Canon Kevin.