Dear friends,
It is a season for celebration. In a time when our news media delights to share nothing but bad news, there is yet much to rejoice in, and thank God for. For example, how about Nigel Dunstan and Alison Mitchell, who are getting married this coming Saturday at Checkendon Church? Or Geoff and Debi Hornsby who on Sunday celebrated their 40th wedding anniversary? Or Liz and Tim Lowth, about to pass the same milepost? Or Audrey Jones, who recently celebrated her 90th birthday? Or Revd Romey Poston’s successful completion of “year two” of her curacy training? Or Imogen Potter – now “Dr Potter” – and Christopher Potter, both graduating from Leeds and Southampton Universities, respectively?
So, look around you. There is much to raise a smile, and lift the spirits. God is good, and his mercy is from everlasting to everlasting. Let us not allow the good news to pass by unnoticed.
This coming Sunday is a fifth Sunday, and we gather as a Team to raise the roof with our praises at St Mary’s Whitchurch on Thames. Do come down to the river and join us!
Service Sunday 30th July
10.30am Team Service at St Mary’s, Whitchurch on Thames. With refreshments afterwards in the Vicarage Garden. Preacher: the Revd Canon John Blair. Celebrant: The Revd Dr James Leach.
Midweek zoom service: Wednesday Evensong at 5.00pm 410 935 129
Taking Leave
This will be the last missive from me until Tues 29th August, as it is holiday time. Thank you all for your support, love and care, for your churches and for one another.
Of course another good news story has been the arrival in the Team and at St Leonard’s Woodcote of the Revd David Benskin. The picture below was taken by his sister at his licensing on July 6th, and she has kindly given me permission to share it. It is a great shot of the Langtree Team Clergy, all in our “canonicals” for the licensing service. (Do you know “who’s who”?) Of course, I’m the first to admit that the Team is far more than just the clerics, but one of the wonderful things that God does with us is to take us, and shape our stories by the interactions we have with each other. Glory to his name!
Your Rector, and servant for Christ’s sake
Kevin Davies