Ring out the Bells!
Dear friends,
It is great not only to celebrate our return to church with song, but also to hear the church bells ring out once again. Listen out for the bells this coming Thursday, and Saturday, as we celebrate the marriages of Joshua Stitt to Annabelle Riches, and also Samuel Knight to Alexandra Merson. If you would like to try your hand at bellringing, the ringers would love to share their skills with you. It is convivial, friendly, and (incidentally) a great work out for your arms, shoulders and upper body. The ringers meet (in church) every Wednesday evening at 7.30pm for an hour or so. Just turn up, or if you’d like to ring ahead, call David Dickens on 681741.
Worship Services for Sunday 26th September.
9.30am Holy Communion Service at St John’s Stoke Row, led by Revd Angela Linton.
11am Holy Communion at Checkendon Church, led by Revd Kevin Davies. A Covid-safe service with hymns, prayers, and readings….and coffee.
6.30pm-7pm. Together at Home. A short evening communion service to join in with at home (via zoom) with Revd Kevin. 636 645 195 and passcode 000162. Everyone welcome, wherever you are.
It is absolutely OK to pass these details onto friends and family, who are very welcome to join us. Other service options can be found on the Langtree Team Ministry Churches website.
You can support Checkendon church and Stoke Row churches via dedicated and secure online card donation pages. Just click on the link. It is very secure.
Praise God for the Harvest
I hope your garden has been both inspiring and fruitful this year. Whether you wish to celebrate flower, shrub, or fruit, Sunday week (3rd October) sees a choice of Harvest services across the Team ministry. Do join us, wherever you are, to give thanks to God for his provision and to pray for all those involved in both the agriculture and the food industries. At Checkendon we welcome once again Frances and Steve from the Ways and Means Trust at Manor Farm, Peppard with their produce stall. Do come along and help us support our local mental health charity. At Stoke Row Revd Angela will be officiating at your harvest service and auction of produce.
May the Lord look kindly upon you and give you his peace.
Revd Kevin
“Sunbathing Sibley Squashes Seek Sanctuary in Study”