Whitchurch Licensing for new minister
Dear friends,
I’m delighted to invite you to attend (via Zoom, of course) the licensing service for the Revd James Leach, next Tuesday (22nd) at 7.30pm. Bishop Colin will license James to the Langtree Team, and to the house for duty post at Whitchurch. The zoom numbers that you will need for this special service are 838 9467 5412 and 770221. This invitation is open to everyone in the Langtree Team area.
Do join us to welcome James and Debbie to Whitchurch, and for what will be Bishop Colin’s last time with us here in Langtree before his retirement on October 4th.

Online Worship for Sunday 20th September
This Sunday’s worship options are hosted by Revds John, Linda and Kevin. You will need the zoom app installed on your device (laptop, tablet, phone or PC) – download from https://www.zoom.us. Just before the appointed time, run the app, click on “join meeting” and enter the meeting number and passcode below for the service you wish to attend.
A Service of the Word with Revd John 10am 188 513 761 and 019797 Readings and prayers to start the day with God.
Open Door Service with Revd Linda 10am 833 2219 3991 and 852489 A friendly service to explore your faith.
Family worship with Revd Kevin 11am 636 645 195 and 000162. An informal service with the music group and a chance to chat.
Family and friends are welcome to join us. It is a great way to stay in touch. There are also midweek online service options available on Wednesdays and Fridays in the evening. Do check out the worship pages on the Team Ministry website for full details.
To help keep your church’s bills paid, please support Woodcote or Checkendon or Ipsden or North Stoke churches via their dedicated and secure card donation pages. Just click on the church you wish to help. Please also Gift Aid your donation if you pay any income tax. Thank you !
The Rule of Six
….happily does not apply to churches. We can still hold services up to the Covid capacity number of our buildings. Our early short services continue on Sundays at 8.30am (Woodcote – capacity 18) and 9am (Checkendon – capacity 24) and at North Stoke and Ipsden on Wed and Thursdays at 10.30am. This Sunday we welcome baby Rosa Polisano for baptism at Checkendon. Please pray this week for all parents with young children, and all those involved with your local nursery, pre-school or primary school. Coronavirus has severely disrupted all the informal support networks which parents rely upon for help and ecnouragement.
Thank you all for your good natured support for your local church. These are unprecedented times and it is difficult to measure risk, whether that is individual or corporate. As of today Government data shows that there are cases of Covid in Oxford, Caversham, Watlington/Nettlebed and west Didcot, but less than five in each area, with the exception of Oxford. The Government data reveals that the virus is everywhere, not just in the urban areas. It is self evident that the more you move around and come into contact with others, the greater the risk you experience. Stay local if you can, stay in your bubble if you can. If you choose to meet others take steps to keep safe; fresh air, distance and hygiene being the most important. This is a disease that can be passed on before symptoms appear. Whilst clinical treatments have improved the disease still poses a significant risk to anyone over the age of 70, especially men.
As we enjoy some days of autumn sunshine, lets make the most of opportunities to be outside, celebrating the wonders of the Creation. Gardens are giving late colour, tomatoes are reddening on their canes, apples are excellent this year, and blackberries provide their fabulous dark complement. Let’s give thanks for these good gifts, and in so doing we will find room in our hearts for prayer and for God’s mercy to be revealed.
Your Rector
Canon Kevin