Seven Churches in South Oxfordshire

From the Rector: Tuesday 11th August

The Opening Door

Dear friends,

I’m pleased to let you know that St Mary’s Whitchurch on Thames is now open for visitors and personal prayer on Wednesday afternoons and Sunday mornings.

St Peter and St Paul Checkendon will be opened for visitors and private prayer on Wednesdays and Sundays starting in September.

Please remember when you visit a church that now you have to wear a mask, and should keep at least 2m away from others in the building. If possible, try not to touch anything, or wear gloves to do so.

More news about the resumption of “live” worship will be posted at the beginning of September. Please do note, however, that the pattern of zoom services outlined below is going to continue for the forseeable future.

“I was glad when they said to me, Let us go to the house of the Lord.” Ps 122v1

Sunday Worship for the 16th of August

This Sunday’s worship options are hosted by Revds John,  Linda and Kevin. You will need the zoom app installed on your device (laptop, tablet, phone or PC) – download from  Just before the appointed time, run the app, click on “join meeting” and enter the meeting number and passcode below for the service you wish to attend.

A Service of the Word with Revd John  10am        188 513 761 and 019797         Readings, and prayers, to start the day with God.

The Open Door Service with Revd Linda 10am  891 8543 7742 and 106353    A welcome for all ages to explore faith together.

Family Worship with Revd Kevin  11am       636 645 195  and 000162.     Hymns and songs, your breakout photos, and a chance to chat.

Family and friends are welcome to join us. It is a great way to stay in touch.  There are also midweek service options available on Wednesdays and Fridays in the evening. Do check out the worship pages on the Team Ministry website for full details.

Its difficult to take a collection during an online service but please support Woodcote or Checkendon or Ipsden churches via their dedicated and secure card donation pages. Just click on the church you wish to help. Please also Gift Aid your donation if you pay any income tax.

Please note there will be no 11am service on the 23rd or 30th August. You’re invited to share with Revd John on the numbers above at 10am, or with Revd Linda Smith, also at 10am. Email Revd Linda for details at

Advance notice: please make a note in your diaries for the licensing service for the Revd James Leach, which will be held (virtually, via zoom) on Tuesday 22nd Sept at 7.30pm, and conducted by Bishop Colin. Please make a special effort to keep this hour free so that you can join with our welcome to James and Debbie.

Thank you

This will be my last note to you this month (I’m having some leave) but I’ll start again in early September. Thank you all for your wonderful support for each other, for your churches, for our zoom worship, and for your fellowship in our Lord Jesus, as we try to make sense of what is going on in the world around us, and in our lives and with our faith. We know God is merciful, and gracious.

Your Rector

Revd Canon Kevin Davies



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