Dear friends,
A very warm welcome to this service on this second Sunday of Advent. Today we remember the witness of the prophets of old, who looked forward to God’s coming and the birth of the Messiah.
This coming Friday evening St John’s Stoke Row invites you to a festive bingo event at Stoke Row Village Hall, from 7pm. Then next Saturday morning (14th) from 10-12 at Checkendon Village Hall, Checkendon Church invites you to coffee and mince pies. Do come for a chance to share a little Advent expectation, and catch up with friends old and new.
Congratulations to everyone at St Mary’s Whitchurch for a spectacular Christmas concert last Sunday evening, with the Ferryboat Brass and the Whitchurch Primary School Choir. This evening (8th) you are invited to a celebration of Advent light from 6pm at St John’s Whitchurch Hill.
Please remember in your prayers all those standing for election this week, and pray for God’s hand of mercy to be upon our nation in these times of political confusion and posturing. Let us thank God that we do not have to elect a Saviour, as that role has already been filled, and the outcome is assured. The bright Christmas hope contrasts starkly with the gloom at home or overseas. May the Lord when he comes find us watching, and waiting.
Your Rector, and servant for Christ’s sake Canon Kevin Davies.