Dear friends,
A very warm welcome to our Team service at St Leonard’s this morning. May the grace and peace of Christ be with us. It is excellent to come and worship as a Team once in a while to “see what we look like before God.” It is also a great opportunity to make a considerably larger volume of praise and attempt to raise the roof one of our parish churches. This too can be a wonderful encouragement for us all.
Revd Claire Alcock
This Wednesday (2nd October) sees the installation of Revd Claire Alcock as the new vicar of St John & St Stephen, Orts Rd, Reading, by Bishop Colin at 7.30 pm. Do come along if you are able – there is an open invitation for us. (If you are wondering what Bishop Colin is doing “out of area” – he is covering, for the Bishopric of Reading is vacant.)
Please remember in your prayers the holidaymakers stranded by the collapse of Thomas Cook. It is a salutary and sobering lesson for all of us as to what can happen when levels of debt (both business and civil) become unsustainable.
Members from Whitchurch might be interested to know that Ann Screech’s memorial service is (also) to be held on 2nd October, at St Mary’s, at 11am, and will be conducted by Revd Richard Hughes.
Harvest Festivals are on the way !
Next Sunday (6th October) sees Harvest Festival services at many of our churches. Details are on the rear of this sheet, and also on the Team website. www.langtreechurches.org It is a great opportunity to bring a friend, or family member. As we gathered, let us give thanks to God for all things bright and beautiful, and the colours of day and season that fill our hearts with joy and gladness.
Rejoice, the Lord is King !
Your Rector Kevin Davies
Harvest Produce on display last year