Seven Churches in South Oxfordshire

From the Rector: Sunday 21st July 2019


Dear friends,

A very warm welcome to this service, wherever you are worshipping in the Langtree Team Ministry area.

May the joy of Christ be with us all.

As the school terms around us draw to a close, give thanks to God for the work of teachers and all staff, who give so much to keep our local resources alive. We do well not to take our local schools for granted. As recently as 1900 there were still adults in our villages who were illiterate. These would sign the church marriage register with an “X” against the places where the minister had written “Fred Bloggs….X…..his mark”. When the register in question was started, in 1849, practically none of those getting married in our villages could write their name. But, seventy five years later, after our local schools were built, almost all of them could.

It is the season of beginnings and endings: we celebrate with the Lowth family the marriage of Catherine to Ben yesterday, and we mourn with Mary and Steve the loss of Kath Cox, whose funeral will be at Checkendon on Tuesday (23rd) at 11am. “Lord, now lettest thou thy servant depart in peace, according to thy word.”

Music at the Long Barn

Thank you to everyone who took part in the Music in the Long Barn at Ipsden yesterday. It is one of the great social events of the Ipsden calendar, and a wonderful chance to catch up with friends old and new in relaxed and convivial surroundings.

Holidays begin

As the school holidays begin members of the staff team will also be taking some annual leave, staggered throughout the summer season. Your wardens will be aware of when your own minister is going to be on holiday. They will also know whom to get in touch with in the event a clergyperson is called upon for any reasons. It is one of the rich blessings of sharing in a Team Ministry, and so we give thanks for God for each other, and the fellowship that we share across our parishes.

Your Rector Canon Kevin Davies.

Diary Dates:

Sunday 4th August 6.30pm: Bishop Colin to attend a special service at St Mary’s Ipsden, to bless the bells and organ after their restoration. All welcome !


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