Dear friends,
Welcome to our worship this morning. May the love of God in Jesus Christ be with us all, wherever we are worshipping across the Langtree Team Ministry area. Today is Trinity Sunday, when we celebrate the threefold nature of our one God: the Father, who creates, the Son, who rescues, and the Spirit who sanctifies. The Trinitarian formula was in use extremely early in the church’s life, as evidenced by its appearance at the end of Matthew’s gospel. The first followers of Jesus were Jews, who were very used to?? speaking of the one God, the Creator of the Universe. They came also to believe that Jesus was in his very nature (also) God, not just because of his miracles, but primarily through his resurrection from the dead. Then came the Pentecost experience, when the very power of God was evident among them, in fire and fearless preaching in all the languages of the world. This too, they came to understand as God being present in a new and wonderful way. So the doctrine of the Holy Trinity did not start life in some dusty scholar’s classroom, but was forged from the furnace of historical and lived Christian experience. It was, if you like to consider it this way, a progressive revelation.
Let us in our worship this morning give thanks to God for those who facilitate our church’s worshipping life; readers, intercessors, welcomers, sacristans, cleaners, coffee makers and cake bakers, bellringers, organists, singers , instrumentalists, arrangers, rota writers, wardens, publicists; preachers, leaders, celebrants, the list is very long indeed. My point being that our worship is a “whole church” activity, and that we should not take for granted even the smallest contributions to our life together.
Don’t forget that the Team Service for the Feast of St Peter and St Paul will be held at Checkendon on Sunday 30th June at 10.30am. There will be no other main morning services in the Team area on that day, so please do come along. It is going to be a great celebration ! Last orders for a lunch booking afterwards at The Highwayman please to Debi Hornsby on 680204.
Peace be with you all Revd Canon Kevin Davies