Dear friends,
A very warm welcome to this service, wherever you are worshipping this morning across the Langtree Team ministry area. May the love of God be with us all.
I received a “thank you” email a few days ago, after a funeral
service at Checkendon Church, and I wanted to share some of the
sentiments it expressed with you all, as a way of encouraging you in
your ministries:
“Wonderfully warm and friendly church.”
“Really helped us all.”
“A wonderful job in every way.”
“Marvellous witness of love and friendship.”
Many of you who only come to church on Sundays will not really see this Mon-Fri aspect of your church’s ministry, unless you are directly involved in it. But through your practical and financial support for the ministry, the building and its upkeep, through your volunteering now and then, and through your prayers and upholding of the clergy and lay ministers, we can play our different parts in showing others God’s love and care. It is called being a Team – and we are all members of it.
May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him.
Your Rector Canon Kevin Davies
PS A week “off” the key texts this week !They return next week. Why
don’t you test yourself? See how much you can remember of: The Lord’s
Prayer, The Ten Commandments, The Apostle’s Creed and the Beatitudes.