Remembering the fallen
Dear friends,
This coming Sunday we will hear again the names of those in our communities who gave their lives for our freedom. The uniformed organisations will gather at Checkendon war memorial (the Lychgate), we will stand in silence for two minutes at 11am and the Last Post will sound. Then, in the church, colours will be presented, and we will hear the story of one of those whose name we will have just heard. Prayers will be offered, and thanksgiving made for the peace and freedom we share. So much of the “regathering” now that the pandemic is receding is to do with making a noise together – parties, rock festivals, sports fixtures, night clubs and so on. Remembrance Sunday is our opportunity to be together, but in respectful stillness and thoughtful reflection, as so much of the freedom to party that we enjoy today rests upon the sacrifices of those upon who gave their “today” in order that we could have a tomorrow. Do join us if you are able.
Worship Services for Remembrance Sunday 14th November.
9.30am Remembrance Service at St John’s Stoke Row, led by Revd Angela Linton
10.55am Remembrance Service and parade at Checkendon Church, led by Canon Kevin Davies
6.30pm-7pm. Together at Home. A short online evening service with Revd Kevin. Zoom numbers 636 645 195 and passcode 000162. Music, prayer, and a word from Mark’s gospel.
It is absolutely OK to pass these details onto friends and family, who are very welcome to join us. Other service options can be found on the Langtree Team Ministry Churches website.
You can support Checkendon church and Stoke Row churches via dedicated and secure online card donation pages. Just click on the link. It is very secure. There is a new option to set your donation to be monthly rather than one off. There is also an option to Gift Aid your donation. Please do this if you can as your church can then reclaim the income tax you have paid on your donation. All your churches have suffered income loss during Covid, and now need your help. Thank you!
A prayer for those who serve – from the Field Service Book of the British Army
Almighty God, in you alone we find safety and peace. We commend to your gracious keeping
all the men and women who serve in the Navy, the Army, or the Air Force,
who face danger and put their lives at risk so that others might live in safety.
Defend them day by day by your heavenly power;
and help them to know that they can never pass beyond the reach of your care.
Keep alive in them and in us your vision of that peace which alone we must seek and serve;
through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
May God be with us all. Your Rector, Kevin Davies