Seven Churches in South Oxfordshire

From the Rector: Tuesday 8th November 2022

We will remember them

Dear friends,

This year has seen the 40th anniversary of the Falklands conflict. The issue at stake back in 1982 was akin to the situation that Ukraine finds itself in today; the right of a people to not be invaded. The Falkland islanders were British, and wished to remain so. Memories of that short and violent conflict include the heroism of the paras at Goose Green, and the night attacks on the hills defending Stanley, as well as the terrible losses on the ships Sir Tristram and Sir Galahad. You’ll hear more in my sermon on Sunday at Checkendon, including some of the first hand account of one of the Chaplains to the soldiers. Those of you who remember Revd John Evans, who served in this team during my tenure might not know that he was at that time a Major in the Parachute regiment, and saw active service in the  Falklands campaign. We’ll be remembering all who serve, and all who still suffer because of war. Do join us. There are poppies for sale at the back of Checkendon church.

Worship Services for Remembrance Sunday 13th November

9.30am Remembrance Service at St John’s, Stoke Row with Revd Angela Linton

10.55am Remembrance Service at St Peter and Paul, Checkendon with Canon Kevin Davies. With the parade of uniformed organisations, honour roll, last post and presentation of colours.

Midweek zoom service: Wednesday Evensong at 5.00pm  410 935 129

Other service options for elsewhere in the Team can be found on the Langtree Team Ministry Churches website. Do join us for worship either in person, or online, or both. Don’t forget that you now can support both Checkendon  and  Stoke Row churches via dedicated and secure online card donation pages. Just click on the link. It is very easy! Thank you for your support.

Diary Dates

It is a busy week, with Checkendon PCC meeting at The Cottage, Exlade Street, this evening at 8pm. Henley Deanery Synod meets at Holy Trinity, Henley, on Thursday (10th) at 7.30pm. Please make sure your PCC is represented.

Checkendon School have their annual fireworks fundraiser on Friday at 6pm, and Checkendon Church and Churchyard Working Party is on Saturday from 10am. Do come along with some tools for our autumn clean up, inside and out.

Thank you for your support for your churches, and the faithful sharing that makes it all possible.

Every blessing

Revd Kevin Davies.


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