Seven Churches in South Oxfordshire

From the Rector: Tuesday 4th January

Happy New Year

Dear friends,

May the light and peace of our saviour be with us all. Thank you to everyone who supported our churches over the Christmas season; the churches looked beautiful, music and words were inspiring, candlelight spoke of the hope that the light of Christ brings to the world. Our services were all well attended, and the mild weather meant that keeping doors open was not the discomfort that it might have been. We continue to worship with a mix of both in person and online services – you are very welcome at either, or both. As the Covid battle now enters what is hopefully the final phase, our hearts and prayers go to those in the health and also education sectors, upon whom the brunt of the coming few months seems destined to fall. Each us can play our part too, by being vaccinated/boosted, and by regular testing before any important outing. All the ministry team across our churches test at least once a week, for your safety.

Worship Services for Sunday 9th January

9.30am Morning Prayer at St John’s Stoke Row with Mr Peter Ferguson

11am Holy Communion at Checkendon Church with Revd Kevin Davies

6.30pm Together at Home. An online short evening service to share at home with Revd Kevin. Zoom numbers 636 645 195 and 000162. Music, prayer, and a word from Mark’s gospel.

The silent garden

It is the time of year when not much appears to be going on in the garden. Unless of course you are one who feeds the wild birds, and then your rewards are almost instant. Some greenfinches recently made a welcome and rare visit to us. Actually the quiet season of winter is not strictly that for either farmer or gardener; there is a lot of preparatory work needed for the season ahead. Shrubs and hedges pruned, or even planted, borders mulched, and vegetable beds dug over and composted. Trees and biennials are patiently and slowly sorting themselves out under the earth, ready for the spring to spur them to action. And the flowering bulbs, invisible now, are nonetheless, slowly, slowly, inching up towards the light.  As are we.

Let us hold fast to that which is good, in peace and consideration.

your Rector, Canon Kevin.



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