The end of an era
Dear friends,
Last Tuesday saw the coming into law of the Civil Partnerships, Marriages and Deaths (registration) Act 2019. The effect of this is to remove from Anglican clergy the powers to act as Registrar in the solemnisations of marriages, and to remove from parish churches the holding of the Registers of Marriage on behalf of the State. So, up and down England, clergy have been “closing” the familiar green marriage register books for the last time, and preparing to deposit these with the civil Registrars, and County or Diocesan archives. In future the registration of marriages is to be done electronically, at the register office, in much the same way as one currently registers a death. Marriages conducted at an Anglican Church still have legal force, but in this brave new world couples will need to apply to their local register office for their marriage certificate. Those of you who have wondered for some time what “disestablishment” might look like should look no further; it looks like this – the painful unpicking of history, and “guidance for couples” memos hastily drafted in some office in Whitehall. I for one won’t miss the careful writing out by hand, four times, of the register details, and certificate, and returns, the night before each wedding, but I will miss the security of knowing that everyone’s records are physically dispersed across every parish in the land, and not on some server in the US.
Worship for Sunday 16th May
You will need the zoom app installed on your device (laptop, tablet, phone or PC) – download from Just before the appointed time, run the app, click on “join meeting” and enter the meeting number and passcode below.
11am Family Service with Revd Kevin. 636 645 195 and passcode 000162. An informal service for Ascensiontide with songs from the music group and prayers from the Taize community.
It is absolutely OK to pass these details onto friends and family, who are very welcome to join us. Other online service options can be found on the Langtree Team Ministry Churches website.
You can support Checkendon church and Stoke Row churches via dedicated and secure online card donation pages. Just click on the link. Please also Gift Aid your donation if you pay any income tax. Thank you !
PS Sunday 23rd May is Pentecost; there’ll be a 9am short said service in Checkendon church, and an 11am zoom service online for the festival.
Calling All Hands
In preparation for the reopening of Checkendon church building on June 14th there is to be a Working Party on Saturday June 12th, from 10-12noon. You can join the “inside” team, or the “churchyard” team as you wish. Please bring tools or cleaning equipment with you. All ages are welcome. Fun and fellowship guaranteed !
Thank you all for your support, and prayers. Do check out the “Thy Kingdom Come” prayer initiative online, and visit the prayer stations in Checkendon Church (Wednesdays or Sundays).
Revd Kevin