Seven Churches in South Oxfordshire

From the Rector: Tuesday 24th January 2023

Team Works

Dear friends

Our team ministry helps our churches in a number of ways:

– we share resources, and staff. For example we all benefit from the support provided by the Team office, whether that be in church requisites, printing facilities, or administrative help for the clergy. But we don’t bear the cost alone. Similarly when clergy are on leave, or on holiday, our church does not go without help or support for services or advice. In the current vacancy at Woodcote, for example, yes, there is still extra responsibility falling upon local leadership, however no regular services have had to be cancelled, and all the extra services (such as funerals) required have been covered without the churchwardens having to scrabble around to find clergy from elsewhere.

– we have a gifted ministry team, who are a broad mix of male, female, lay, ordained, full time and part time, paid and unpaid. We meet every week and support one another not only practically, but emotionally and spiritually too. This collaborative approach in our staff practise allows both for independence of working but also mutual support. In short, happy and healthy ministers make for happy and healthy churches.

– we know where to get help. The Team means that there is always someone who you can ask, as we have a wealth of experience across many matters, not just church related issues. Your PCC might be investigating air source heat pumps, or having the roof repaired. It is so much easier to get in touch with a local churchwarden from a sister church, who did just the same thing last year. Or the Area Dean might know someone in the deanery who has done so. The networking potential of our six PCCs is considerably wider than if we were just by ourselves.

– The Team pays all the expenses of the clergy, and each PCC contributes to this cost in a ratio pro rata to their share payment to the Diocese. The Team has not asked the PCCs for an increase to this budget for over twelve years, which is a function of both exceptionally well managed finances and also conscientious (and possibly generous) clergy.

So, do pause for a moment this week, to thank God for your local church and the ministry team that supports us all. Isn’t it great when “structures” work?

Our service this coming Sunday is a special opportunity to gather together at the beginning of a new year, and also to hear our curate on placement, The Revd Romey Poston, who will be preaching for us. Do come!

Worship this Sunday 29th January:

Team service of Holy Communion at St Peter and St Paul, Checkendon, 10.30am.

Celebrant: The Revd Canon Kevin Davies.      Preacher: The Revd Romey Poston

Midweek zoom service: Wednesday Evensong at 5.00pm  410 935 129

Nature Notes

There is a frenzy of activity around bird feeders during this cold snap. Blue tits dominate the stage here at the Rectory, bullying the larger great tits into second place. The coal tits fly in and out, and don’t hang around. Robin and chaffinches hop around underneath, clearing the debris. The lesser spotted woodpecker comes a couple of times a day, standing no nonsense from anyone. If you are very lucky you will see a pair of greenfinches, but the goldfinches of the autumn have flown. I wonder if they take a winter break somewhere warm?  When I go out to feed them, they flurry and cheep excitedly from the adjoining bush, robin being the cheekiest of them all.

“All the earth worships you; they sing praises to you, sing praises to your name.” Psalm 66:4

Every blessing,  Revd Kevin

PS: Tedious, but true: The road through Checkendon, between the A4074 and the Uxmore junction is going to be closed for surface repairs from 30th Jan to 7th Feb, from 0930-1530 daily. There will be no through access, but residents will not be prevented from reaching home. Ask locally for an update about the exact conditions next week if you intend to travel.


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