Seven Churches in South Oxfordshire

From the Rector: Sunday 11th February 2018

Dear friends,

A very warm welcome to this service from all of us in the Langtree Team ministry area. May the peace and joy of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all.

Lent begins this week, on 14th Feb, which as well as being St Valentine’s Day is also Ash Wednesday. There is a Team Service of Ashing that evening at 7.30pm, which this year is at St John’s Stoke Row, and will be conducted by Revd Angela Linton. Do come! Lent is a time of penitence, study and prayer, and this service will help you to set the scene for the season in your heart and life.

Lent Courses begin around the team next week: details elsewhere on this sheet. Please do make the most of the opportunity to join together with others to learn and share and grow in the Christian faith. Please also feel free to join other groups if you find that your local group is not convenient. As disciples of Christ we owe it to our souls to provide them with the nourishment that they need for our human thriving; the Church may put on services, courses, sermons and the like but it is our own individual responsibility to take care of our inner life by making the most of these opportunities.

“Fight the good fight of the faith; take hold of the eternal life to which you were called and for which you made the good confession in the presence of many witnesses.” 1 Timothy 6:12

Your Rector                               Revd Canon Kevin Davies


Rector’s Lent Group

Team Rector’s Lent group meets at Checkendon Rectory starting Tuesday 20th Feb from 1.30-3pm for four weeks. We’ll be studying the Archbishop of Canterbury’s Lent Book for 2018 “Say it to God” by Luigi Gioia which takes us into the basics of Christian prayer. Luigi Gioia is an Italian monk, and a visiting professor of Theology at Cambridge. Do let Kevin know if you’d like to come.


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