Seven Churches in South Oxfordshire

From the Rector: Easter Day 2019

Christ is Risen !

Dear friends,

A very happy Easter to you all.

Welcome to our worship this morning, from all of us across the Langtree Team Ministry area. A special welcome to visiting family members, friends, and those with us for the first time. May the love of God be with you.

Our churches have been holding their “annual parish church meetings” throughout the month of April. This year we are required to completely renew our membership registers (“electoral roll”) and if you have not yet returned your form, or signed up in church, please do this as soon as possible. Our annual meetings are the places where, amongst other things, we have an opportunity to appoint representatives to the church council.

Checkendon Working Party Sat 27th 10am

A reminder to everyone at Checkendon: next Saturday morning (April 27th) is our annual church and graveyard clean up, from 10am-12noon. Please bring some tools with you suitable for the task you wish to do – cleaning inside, gardening outside.

Congratulations Laurie !

Finally, many congratulations to the family of Laurie Sheerin, who is baptised this morning. May he know the wonders of God’s love throughout his life.

In the moments before the service, why not thank God for the gift of life, and resolve to praise Him with joy befitting the resurrection of our Lord and Saviour.

Your Rector                                                    Revd Canon Kevin Davies


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