Seven Churches in South Oxfordshire

Notice Sheet for 28th February 2016

Langtree Team Ministry
Notice Sheet for 28th February 2016
3rd Sunday of Lent

Dear friends,

A very warm welcome to this service, wherever you are worshipping in the Langtree Team Ministry Area.
May God’s hope and peace be with you as the Lenten season continues. Our Lent courses continue throughout the Team – please see the details for these elsewhere on this sheet, or on the website (

Next Sunday is Mothering Sunday, and there will be celebrations across the Team. Please do use this opportunity to bring friends and family to a Sunday Service, as we say thank you to God for the care and love that our mothers show to us.

Your church’s representatives on the Henley Deanery Synod are reminded that there will be a meeting at St John’s Stoke Row on Tuesday (1st March) at 7.30pm. It is also the time of the year that you should begin to give consideration to whom to nominate from your congregations for election to your local church council. Your church does not run itself, but relies heavily upon the gifts and skills of numerous volunteers. Your church council’s role is to lead the mission and ministry of your church, by setting strategic direction, by prayer, care for the fabric of your church, management of the finances, and guidance and support of the clergy and lay staff members in their roles. We know about working as a Team in our patch of God’s Kingdom – your PCC is if you like the “local team”, and needs your support. (Not just from the stands!)

May your Lent be holy, and filled with the promise of Easter.

Your Rector and Area Dean Revd Kevin Davies


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